Welcome to Nelson Roots

This blog will be dedicated to the collection and dispersment of information relating to the geneology of the Jay L and Afton May Nelson Family. All contributors are welcome. Our mission is to find and publish accurate information relating to our ancestory. We hope that we can collect here pictures, records of births, deaths, marriages, and confirmations, as well as other verifiable evidence of our forebearers.

R. Scott and Matthew R. Nelson
Class of Craig and Bev

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Niels and Ane Elise's Fifth Child

Birth, Sonder Vinge, page 75. The same priest is writing the birth of Christine Else Marie Nielsdatter, born February 19, 1854...the same birthday as Jens Peter. In this register we learn that Ane Elise is 30 years old. I believe that Jens Rasmusen, Ane Elise's brother is one of the witnesses. He is of "Laa."

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