Welcome to Nelson Roots

This blog will be dedicated to the collection and dispersment of information relating to the geneology of the Jay L and Afton May Nelson Family. All contributors are welcome. Our mission is to find and publish accurate information relating to our ancestory. We hope that we can collect here pictures, records of births, deaths, marriages, and confirmations, as well as other verifiable evidence of our forebearers.

R. Scott and Matthew R. Nelson
Class of Craig and Bev

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Laurs and Gedskas first child

Vester Velling Parish registry Stillborn section, page 99, December 12, 1840. This details the death of Laurs and Gedska's first child. This is reported in the "stillborn" section. The child is not named and was born two months premature. His gestation period is listed as 7 months. There was not a complaint against the midwife who reported that the baby was alive both prior and after delivery. In spite of attempted resuscitation efforts with warm water and blankets the baby died the same day it was born. The register states that Gedske was sick and went into pre-term labor. Another interesting note is that Laurs and Gedska had been married only a few weeks before on November 29, 1840.

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